November 26, 2008

Black Friday Google Spreadsheet

Black Friday is just about here! I am sure most of you have been looking online for some great deals, getting emails from store circulars with sneak previews of the sales too!

Here are a few other websites that will help out with your search:

- Alexander Yoon's Black Friday Guide on Yahoo!
- Forbes list of 15 Black Friday deals
- Black Friday Ads chart
- Kohl's 4 am door busters

I do have another place you can look! There is a Google website out there that has a spreadsheet going of some great Black Friday Deals. This list shows store opening times, the category the items fall in example: toys, wii, computers, and so on. It is even showing the price and manufacturer's mail in rebate code if there is one! This is a great list and it's growing in popularity so if when you click on the link and it says too many people are looking, try again, keep refreshing your screen. You'll get in! It took me about 15 refreshes and I finally was able to get onto the list to see the sales! I also downloaded it so I could sort it by the items I was looking for-it is awesome!!! The team that put this together is really something!

So here it is: the Black Friday Google Spreadsheet! Again, it make take a few refreshes to get on-but it has over 4000 items on it so it's worth the wait!!

Take Care everyone and good luck!


Marrid66 said...

I didn't really find much in our Black Friday ads this year so I stayed in bed!

Karen aka marrid66

Here On Columbia Avenue

Da Boss And Bryguy

4 Cats Make Me Crazy!


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